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we are an infinite loop

Pacat ca ma grabesc. [Too bad I'm in a hurry.] A blog about computational design, generative art, geometry, math, architecture and the means employed to materialize these forms of expression. It's an ongoing chronicle of my personal research in this field and an information pool for curious minds. Without fancy words, it's a haha place for me. Not topic oriented, more or less it is flow oriented.

Jan 26, 2007

one step

One step at a time. Discs changed into 3d "+" signs. And now they spin :)
Now working on oop -ing the thing, and get some more events coded into the damn thing. shouldn't be that difficult.
This will happen later this evening. Now it's time for some school work.

Jan 23, 2007


Recently I've been mapping a 32 channels' worth of FFT analysis on some discs (that form a cylinder) spaced out in 3D.
It looks extremely good, especially on cliq-hop. Too bad my iBook's built-in microphone isn't such a marvel of technology, but hey. All in all, it works and it's nice.
I'll edit this post later to post some screenshots. Until then, the code isn't working in a browser yet, but you copypaste and see it in action, tinker with the params and feel good.

Jan 21, 2007

Just testing exporting

I was recently testing exporting geometry from p55 and yep, it works. Computed in p55, rendered in google's sketchup, and text in illustrator.

Jan 20, 2007

Strange Attractors // Patterns in chaos

This book on Strange Attractors is so interesting I am drooling over it right now. Good for anybody, even the mathematically stupid.

A random illustration from the book.
Yep, it's free to download.
Go p55 it!

Jan 13, 2007


Dap, tot un pic de matematica, dar ceva mai filozofica acum.
Poti crea imagine din sunet si poti crea sunet din imagine. (imagine in sensul larg, sens care cuprinde si miscare, ritm, viteza).
Avem de-a face cu 2 morfisme de grupuri. In unul plecam de la sunet si cream imagine. In al doilea plecam de la imagine si cream sunet. Se observa faptul ca trebuie ca unul din cele doua grupuri sa detina suprematia asupra celuilalt. Fie imaginea guverneaza sunetul (reprezinta legea care defineste outputul auditiv), fie sunetul guverneaza imaginea - caz in care acesta devine legea guvernatoare a imaginii.

Aceasta este una dintre cele mai importante constrangeri ale I/O (input-output) art. Din ea se naste frumusetea (sau nu).
Daca ar fi sa renuntam la ea nu am mai putea avea aceasta intreaga stiinta: visuals-urile pentru un solo de vioara sunt vioara si cantaretul in sine. Well, that is not the point.

Jan 11, 2007

New discoveries

I have just discovered this interesting collection of experiments with 3d text. Definitively worth a stroll. Shows one of the more abstract faces of computational design which isn't that much speculated in today's art scene.
Maybe gives you some ideas.
idid out.

Despre cuiburi si alte aberatii

Acum cateva zile am reusit sa ajung la o comuniune cu processing.
Nu este o teorie mult prea grea.

Processing, cum prea bine se stie, se bazeaza pe java. El reprezinta practic un fel de java--, simplificand multe lucruri in detrimentul usability-ului.
Folosind un pic de Eclipse si investigand unele librarii, plus the painstaking job de a dezvolta un particle system in sus-numitul IDE, reusit-am a intelege modul de functionare.
Toate clasele separate din p5 sunt nested classes ale clasei mari (programul/sketch-ul tau). Nu are rost sa renunti la acesta manifestare a codului in p5: este o scurtatura demna, ce nu ingreuneaza decat in unele cazuri exceptionale intreaga poveste a programarii.

So, dump Eclipse. Doar daca vrei sa dezvolti librarii pentru p5 are rost sa intrii in el... altfel mediul de programare oferit este mai mult decat suficient.
Poate dezvoltarea de aplicatii in OpenGL, folosind JOGL sa fie the next step? Dar atunci de ce nu am trece direct in c++?
Si, in final, este nevoie de atata adancime pentru a crea generative toys/computational design?

Cine e porcaria asta?

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