Pacat ca ma grabesc. [Too bad I'm in a hurry.]
A blog about computational design, generative art, geometry, math, architecture and the means employed to materialize these forms of expression. It's an ongoing chronicle of my personal research in this field and an information pool for curious minds.
Without fancy words, it's a haha place for me. Not topic oriented, more or less it is flow oriented.
I am wondering. Computational art/ Generative art takes a lot of programming. It's quite a lot of work - compiling algorithms from different sources and inventing your own for those special needs that surely arise etc etc etc. Yet g. a. is a manifesto of two things (at least this is how i see it), the first being the concept and the second being the use of the computer as way of creating art in its purest.
So we are tackling two tricky subjects. The concept/idea you want to express (or not!) must be proper for deployment in a digital medium with pure digital tools (code). Sometimes one must stop when programming becomes more important than concept and vice-versa. It's a tricky balance.
And second, I think I'll program some boids playing tag you're it. And map their trajectories. And throw them in a perlin noise vector field. And add some genetic evolution algorithms. And implement collision detection. And do that nifty Diffusion Aggregation Algorithm. And better my color palette. And add sound interaction. Or, better even, generate sound. Binary networks anyone?
Oh, and there's one more thing. "It" has to look good. Aesthetic. Guten nacht.
you and
you for inspiration. Check those links out to see how real masters are doing it :)
Now everything's smoother - esp. camera movement (the camera now aims towards the overall center of the flock).
The applet is
here (does not work 100% since opengl in a browser isn't that common. it surely won't work if java 5 (1.5) is installed on your machine).
Applications are
here (download the appropriate folder for your os).
Command list (ripped from the code):
void keyPressed() {
switch(key) {
case RETURN:
case 'e':
evade = !evade;
case 'b':
bgclr = color(0, 0, 0);
case 'w':
bgclr = color(255, 255, 255);
case 'r':
case 'h':
big = !big;
Later edit: zipped mac app here, inside the os folder. never thought of this.
Also, take care when using 'e' (evade key). press it twice.
Boids. Simple algorithms to seek (or arrive), evade, separate, flock etc. extended in troix d.
You can find some theory here.
I'm having lots of fun with them.
Also, I found the red book of opengl online for free.
This Vector3D library saves me a lot of headaches. On the same site there you'll find some simple 2d boids.
I am planning on starting to make direct opengl calls. At least for the tails of the boids.
I decided to advertise a bit the beginning.
It's the first and last issue of the then highly advertised improved ezine.
I am quite in an inspiration gap. Yep, the muses have left me at the moment. That's why I'm doing some technical exercises. I am forcing myself to code something every day. Even if it's just a little, even if I am tired and I just messing things, even if I'm just commenting old code. Also messing opengl. And also I must purchase a lousy webcam.