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we are an infinite loop

Pacat ca ma grabesc. [Too bad I'm in a hurry.] A blog about computational design, generative art, geometry, math, architecture and the means employed to materialize these forms of expression. It's an ongoing chronicle of my personal research in this field and an information pool for curious minds. Without fancy words, it's a haha place for me. Not topic oriented, more or less it is flow oriented.

Apr 7, 2007

42 and maps

No, that's (42) not the post count up to now, it's the answer to the meaning of life.

A few days ago, google just launched a new service, called MyMaps. Go check it out. Also, me and Meinhard are working on Kmap.org.

Vimeo does well in the field of existing, even if YouTube is there. Competition is good, generating better solutions for users. We should decide on a course of action. Bomb the googleplex?

Later edit:
Work will carry on, as there is a gap for kmap to fill in. MyMaps is excellent, btw. Now that the initial confusion passed away, back to hacking kmap.org. Some extending to the GMarker class needs attention.

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