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we are an infinite loop

Pacat ca ma grabesc. [Too bad I'm in a hurry.] A blog about computational design, generative art, geometry, math, architecture and the means employed to materialize these forms of expression. It's an ongoing chronicle of my personal research in this field and an information pool for curious minds. Without fancy words, it's a haha place for me. Not topic oriented, more or less it is flow oriented.

May 26, 2007

Tema 6 la studiu' formei

Esti in pana de idei?
Ai probleme existentiale legate de viata ta de pana acum?
Iei note mici si nu esti apreciat de profesori, desi esti un mic geniu?
Te simti nedreptatit?

Noi te ajutam! Am facut un programel special pentru a te ajuta pe tine. Tema 6 la studiul formei nu va mai fi o problema! In cateva minute vei avea o compozitie multumitoare si te poti apuca de treaba! Click AICI!


Anonymous said...

mic geniu, iti multumim :D dar puteai sa faci si tu in asa fel incat dreptunghiurile sa fie perpendiculare unul pe celalalt. nu-ti neg atotputerea creatoare, era doar o sugestie. :D

Unknown said...

pai matale poti sa le futi in ce pozitie vrei tu. si la nouj' da grade, si la teristrei da grade si la xisjdej da grade.

Anonymous said...

pai atunci matalutza nu stii tema. diagonalele tre sa fie la 90 de grade bah baiete

Mihnea said...

dearest didi,
You are invited 2 see us sweat 2 zi boun and run around, nu-i asa, like lile' chinese people at this years Street Delivery - Verona from fryer-day to saturns-day. featuring moi, alexe, trotky, polish guy etc etc etc. u may bring a friend and if u wanna sweat, u are welcoming 2 sweat avec us.
P.S.:dupa ce am stat 10 min in fata unui ecran negru, m-am gandit sa start cliking. it seems 2 work. :)

Unknown said...

@mihnea: am vorbit, poa' ajung in seara asta pe verona, daca nu - sambata it is. yes, black screens sometimes do something.

@dragos: habar nu am avut. nu am citit enuntu calumea, si ADC scrie pa' mine.

Cine e porcaria asta?

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