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we are an infinite loop

Pacat ca ma grabesc. [Too bad I'm in a hurry.] A blog about computational design, generative art, geometry, math, architecture and the means employed to materialize these forms of expression. It's an ongoing chronicle of my personal research in this field and an information pool for curious minds. Without fancy words, it's a haha place for me. Not topic oriented, more or less it is flow oriented.

Jun 1, 2007

We give you: football!

Don't you just love our Architecture School? Playing football with a dodecahedron. Shout-out to our teachers, for making this possible. We respect the way you respect us.

Filmed inside UAUIM, 4th floor, right around the corner.


Anonymous said...

dimitrie esti un artist:)

Anonymous said...

atunci ar trebui sa-i facem o locuinta :D

Unknown said...

Ok! in ordinea preferintelor: primaverii, aviatiei, baneasa. Bip cand e gata vila mea cu 3 nivele, o singura buda, atelier, loc de luat masa, dormitor, living si chicinieta.
Neaparat o singura buda, altfel consider tot proiectul o risipa de spatiu.

Cine e porcaria asta?

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