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we are an infinite loop

Pacat ca ma grabesc. [Too bad I'm in a hurry.] A blog about computational design, generative art, geometry, math, architecture and the means employed to materialize these forms of expression. It's an ongoing chronicle of my personal research in this field and an information pool for curious minds. Without fancy words, it's a haha place for me. Not topic oriented, more or less it is flow oriented.

Mar 8, 2007

Improved, Ro.

I decided to advertise a bit the beginning.
It's the first and last issue of the then highly advertised improved ezine.

I am quite in an inspiration gap. Yep, the muses have left me at the moment. That's why I'm doing some technical exercises. I am forcing myself to code something every day. Even if it's just a little, even if I am tired and I just messing things, even if I'm just commenting old code. Also messing opengl. And also I must purchase a lousy webcam.

1 comment:

Red said...



un fel de "de la mine pentru tine" :))

Cine e porcaria asta?

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